Four Corners Florida Community

You Call it Vacation,
We Call it Home.


Our community is comprised of the unincorporated corners of Polk, Osceola, Lake, & Orange counties in central Florida.


Business Directory

Find a local business to support as recommended by our community group members.

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Vehicle Magnets

Grab one of our die-cut vehicle magnets to see and be seen around town. Order one for each of your vehicles, plus an extra to put on the fridge! You’ll spot them on your daily grind. 3.8”W x 4.5”H.

Place your order using the button below. Be sure to submit the form only once. You’ll pay for your purchase after it arrives.


E-mail Newsletter

Sign-up for our e-mail communications. You’ll receive a newsletter at the beginning of each month to keep up-to-date with the latest news happening in our community. You’ll also occasional e-mails with major announcements, special offers, giveaways, and more.


“When we walk alongside other people, we find a community where we learn how to love.”

— Rick Warren